Go for maximum convenience and safety
Alecto Smart Home
From smart thermostats to smart lighting, discover the wide range of smart home products from Alecto.

With our smart home products, you can enjoy countless benefits for your home, including increased comfort, safety and efficiency. For example, Alecto's smart thermostat lets you adjust the temperature in your home and save energy, or a smart security camera lets you protect your home from burglary and unwanted guests. In addition, smart home products also offer convenience, as you can easily control your devices with your smartphone or voice commands. These advantages make it possible to fully customise your living environment to suit your personal preferences and routines.

With Alecto's smart lighting, you can easily control your lights via an app on your smartphone or tablet. Choose from as many as 16 million colours (RGB), This way you have the right lighting for every occasion.
Frequently asked questions
- Convenience
Smart home products make life easier by automating daily tasks. For example, with one click you can turn off the lights or adjust the temperature in the house without physically being in the room. - Energy Efficiency:
Smart home products can help you manage and reduce your energy consumption better. For instance, you can set the lighting or heating system to be on only when you are home, which can lead to savings on your energy bill. - Safety
Smart home products can make your home safer. For example, you can install security cameras and alarm systems that notify you in real-time of suspicious activities. - Comfort
Smart home products can make your home more comfortable. For instance, you can install smart thermostats that adjust the temperature according to your daily routines and preferences.
Zigbee is een draadloze communicatietechnologie die voornamelijk wordt gebruikt in slimme thuisnetwerken. Het is ontworpen om weinig energie te verbruiken en kan worden gebruikt om verschillende apparaten met elkaar te verbinden, zoals verlichting, sensoren en thermostaten. Zigbee-netwerken zijn robuust en kunnen grote afstanden overbruggen, waardoor ze ideaal zijn voor het creëren van uitgebreide thuisautomatiseringssystemen
Jazeker, onze producten kunnen bediend worden door middel van smart-assistants zoals Amazon Alexa en Google Home