Smoke detectors



    Number of smoke detectors


    Smart smoke detector


    Combi detector




      Number of smoke detectors


      Smart smoke detector


      Combi detector

      Top 5 smoke detectors Loose smoke detectors Set of 2 Set of 3 Combi detectors

      A fire has started in this way and then you naturally want to be able to react to it correctly. A smoke detector is the perfect solution for this. When a smoke detector detects smoke, it sounds the alarm. This way you are warned in time and you have the opportunity to prevent worse damage. Try to avoid negligence and take a look at our large collection of Alecto smoke detectors. In areas where there is a lot of smoke / vapor, such as a bathroom or garage, you could also choose to hang a heat detector. Heat detectors go off if there is a large increase in temperature within a short period of time.

      35 products

      Frequently asked questions about smoke detectors

      In Nederland is sinds 2003 de rookmelder verplicht in nieuwbouwwoningen en sinds 2022 geldt deze verplichting ook voor bestaande woningen. Dit betekent dat alle woningen in Nederland voorzien moeten zijn van minimaal één rookmelder op de vluchtroute van elke verdieping.

      Onze aanbeveling is om op elke verdieping en langs vluchtroutes zoals gangen en overlopen rookmelders te installeren.

      Lees voor een correcte installatie en montage altijd de instructies in de handleiding van de rookmelder.

      There are several possible reasons why a smoke detector can go off without reason. Here are some common causes:

      1. Steam or vapors:
        Smoke detectors can be sensitive to steam or vapors that arise during cooking or showering. If the smoke detector is located near the kitchen or bathroom, the steam or vapor can cause the smoke detector to go off.
      2. Dust and dirt:
        If dust or dirt accumulates in the smoke detector, it can affect the sensitivity of the detection sensors. This can cause the smoke detector to give a false alarm. Therefore, make sure to clean the smoke detector regularly. You can do this with a vacuum cleaner and/or a damp cloth.
      3. Insects or small animals:
        It is also possible that insects or small animals enter the smoke detector and disturb the sensors, leading to unwanted alarms.
      4. Battery problems:
        If the batteries of the smoke detector are almost empty, the smoke detector can go off irregularly. Regular maintenance, including replacing the batteries, can solve this problem. However, it is not possible to replace the battery in every smoke detector. Some smoke detectors have a built-in battery.
      5. Aging or defective smoke detector:
        Over time, smoke detectors can deteriorate or become defective, causing them to give false alarms. If your smoke detector is old or if you notice that the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the smoke detector.

      Een rookmelder heeft over het algemeen een levensduur van ongeveer 10 jaar. Na deze periode kunnen de detectiecomponenten en de batterijen verslechteren, waardoor de betrouwbaarheid van de rookmelder afneemt.

      Most smoke detectors come standard with mounting materials, such as plugs and a mounting plate.

      Follow these steps to mount your smoke detector:

      1. Determine the location:
        Choose a suitable location for the smoke detector. Preferably place it on the ceiling, in the middle of the room. Ensure that the smoke detector is at least 50 centimeters away from walls and corners.
      2. Prepare the mounting location:
        Check if the surface is clean and dry. Remove dust, dirt, or grease from the ceiling where you want to mount the smoke detector.
      3. Mark the drill holes:
        Hold the mounting plate in the desired location and mark the position of the drill holes on the ceiling with a pencil or marker.
      4. Drill the holes:
        Use a drill to make the holes at the marked positions.
      5. Attach the mounting plate:
        Insert the provided plugs into the drilled holes. Then align the mounting plate with the drilled holes and securely attach it to the ceiling or wall using the provided screws.
      6. Place the smoke detector:
        Turn or click (depending on the smoke detector) the smoke detector onto the mounting plate.
      7. Remove the red pin
        Some smoke detectors have a pin that you need to remove before the smoke detector works.

      If you'd rather not drill? You can also use a magnetic mounting set. With this magnetic mounting set, you can easily mount the smoke detector without tools on the ceiling. This mounting set is not included as standard.

      It is recommended to test your smoke detectors monthly. Press the test button on your smoke detector. This button will make the smoke detector sound an alarm signal, allowing you to check if the sound signal is working properly.

      Tip: In addition to testing, it is also important to keep your smoke detectors clean and dust-free, as dirt and dust can hinder their operation. Use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently clean the smoke detector.

      Buy smoke detector?

      Connectable Smoke detectors 

      At Alecto we have a selection of connectable smoke detectors. This means that all smoke detectors are connected to each other. As a result, all linked smoke detectors will sound an alarm when only one of them has detected smoke or fire. Extremely useful when you have a large building/house where you want to have everyone alerted quickly.

      Hang with magnet

      A mounting kit is included with all our models. However, if you do not want holes in your wall/ceiling, we recommend a magnetic mounting set. This keeps your piece intact and works just as well as traditional fastening. For a solid magnetic mounting kit, look at the MK-2 from Alecto.  

      Buy smoke detector? 

      Smart that you are looking for a suitable smoke detector! Another step closer to a safe living environment. Have you made a choice? Simply order via the Alecto Home Webshop. Do you place your order on a working day before 8:00 PM? Then we will ship it the same day from our warehouse!

      Smoke detectors required

      In the Netherlands, the smoke detector has been mandatory in new homes since 2003 and since 2022 this requirement also applies to existing homes. This means that all homes in the Netherlands must be equipped with at least one smoke detector on the escape route of each floor. The smoke detector should be placed in a place where smoke is first detected, for example in the hallway or on the landing.

      The obligation has been introduced to increase safety in homes and to reduce the number of victims in house fires. A smoke detector can save lives by warning early and giving people the chance to flee. It is therefore important to comply with the smoke detector obligation and to provide a safe living environment for you and your family.

      What is the difference between a smoke detector and a heat detector?

      A smoke detector detects smoke particles in the air and sounds an alarm when these particles reach a certain concentration. This is especially useful in situations where a lot of smoke is produced during a fire, such as a smoldering fire or a fire in an enclosed space.

      A heat detector, on the other hand, detects an increase in temperature in the environment. This makes heat detectors reliable in situations where there is little or no smoke, for example during fires in kitchens or garages. Heat detectors are less sensitive to false alarms caused by cooking fumes or steam and are therefore suitable for areas where these often occur.