New energy label

New Energy label

The European Commission has revised several energy efficiency regulations. This includes a different appearance of the well-known energy label and a tightening of the energy efficiency requirements.

The new energy labels will come into effect on March 1, 2021 for the following products:

  • TVs (updated) and monitors (new)
  • Dishwashers (updated)
  • Fridges and freezers (incl. wine fridges, minibars) (updated)
  • Washing Machines and Tumble Dryers (No Tumble Dryers) (Updated)
  • Commercial refrigerators with a direct sales function (new)
  • Lighting products (lamps updated, luminaires new, since September 1, 2021)

The main changes in the six new regulations are as follows:

  • The reintroduction of the original A-G scale and the abolition of the confusing A+, A++ and A+++ energy classes. That is, the most efficient devices on the market received class A.
  • A previous A+++ appliance can have an energy class B, C or less since the spring of 2021. So there is an incentive to develop new, more efficient devices in the future.
  • Rescaling is accompanied by stricter efficiency requirements. For lighting products, for example, an efficiency increase of up to 70% can be expected.

 Nieuwe energielabel